Matilda - the great story

Yesterday was a nice day.
I read a very beautiful story by Roald Dahl - Matilda.
As I had read about this book many a times,
on different websites stating that this was one of the favorite books
of the children across the world.
A few days back I decided that I am also going to read this book.
Yesterday, The Sunday was the day I had kept for this book.
After breakfast when I started reading this book I too was enchanted by the story 
of this young little girl, Matilda.

Later in the evening I searched for the movie on net and I found he the copy of the movie.
The evening was spent watching the movie.
The directer of the movie, Danny DeVito had done a great job.
I enjoyed the acting of Mara Wilson( Matilda ), and the acting of Embeth Davidtz( Miss Honey ),  she was cute and I wish that every teacher should be like her.
I hate to say the character of Miss. Trunchbull was too realistic.
That I had started hating her till I opened the Wikipedia page of Pam Ferris.
I said to myself " she does not look that bad ".
I wish to read all the stories by Roald Dahl soon. 
As I keep reading, I will Keep posting my views on the blog.

I have read all the Oz books and I will be posting about some of favorite stories soon
Good bye for now I have so many things to write which I surely will do.


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